
Why The Media Wants You To Be Scared of Your Gas Stove

And Why It Makes NO Sense

Back in February of this year, we talked about not using your gas stove as a source of heat. We pointed that out because it’s not good for your health to have a build up of  gases in enclosed rooms.  Now, scientists are saying gas ovens aren’t safe in the home at all - even when used properly. 

To state it plainly, this article wants you to believe that gas ovens are the key contributor to childhood asthma. The different studies cited as the article’s sources all work together to paint a scary picture. They talk about NO2 and particle pollutants and how the indoor measurements are higher in homes with gas stoves. They lay out the theoretical benefits (at least in terms of cost) of cutting out gas appliances. Then they paint a rosy picture of what things could look like if we switched to all electric ranges, furnaces and water heaters. 

As we’ve said in the past, we don’t choose one type of range over another. Both gas and electric ovens have their benefits and drawbacks. However, there are several things that bother us about this article. 

  • The article consistently says that the homes being looked at are ‘older’ or ‘run down,’ but apparently wants you to believe that advances haven't been made in gas technologies. 

  • They cite that, out of those interviews, only ⅓ of homeowners used their vent hoods. What they don’t consider is that this misuse is human error and not a design error. 

  • The entire article is written in a way to make the reader scared. The words that are in large print are all phrased for the worst possible impact. Yes, they’re the ‘tweetable” lines, but they’re designed to make you stop and read closer because you’re scared. 

  • Yes, switching to electric would cut out whatever particles even a properly used gas oven creates. However, as cited, most of these homes are lower income or older homes. We have to ask: who is going to pay for the supposed upgrade? The cost of cutting out and rewiring to support all-electric ranges, furnaces and water heaters, would be hefty. Despite the ‘rebates’ spoken of in the article, any one who deals in real estate knows that the price would eventually come back to the homeowner - and in the case of rental units, passed down to the renters. Whether it’s through rent hikes “just until the change is paid off,” or through the cost of the electricity to power the new appliances, the cost to the “lower income minorities” the writers want to say they’re worried about would be burdensome. 

  • When numbers or studies are cited, they are all skewed or explained in such a way as to be misleading to the general public. Ask yourself what information the writer may be selectively omitting in favor of making their points. 

We don’t have an issue with gas vs electric ovens or stoves. What we do dislike are scare tactics intended to mislead an audience. This article does present valid concerns, which is why we initially found and read it. What we’re left with, though, is this:
A) When you’re using your gas appliances, please make sure that you’re using them properly. Whether this means having an expert check your lines, doing some simple maintenance, or just turning on your vent hood, please do.
B) Please read critically. There are many sources of information out there, and all of them want your time and attention. Not all of them are going to evenly weigh the facts. 

Where do you think this fight will go from here? Will people be swayed into making the switch to all electric? Will more stringent rules regarding how vent hoods tie into your range be passed? Let us know over on our Facebook page. We’d love to hear from you and what your thoughts on the matter are. 

If after reading this you realize that your gas oven needs a check up, please feel free to call us ((214) 599-0055) or visit our website. Wherever you live in Coppell or the surrounding area, we want to help.